- 1M storytellers by Nir Zavaro
- Posts
- Yes, you can
Yes, you can
Yes, you should

Another week, another ping to remind you—it’s all about the story. Nir Zavaro here, just as I’m boarding a plane to India to cross the highest mountains on a motorcycle. I'm dropping this storyletter in your inbox, so have fun with it.
In today’s mail: three things.
One thing I learned from a 90-day challenge
One thing you can do to improve your business
One thing you should listen to
One thing you should sign up for
One thing you should read
Let’s go

This was epic; you should try it
Ninety days ago, I set out to see if I could turn my life around without too much effort. Life felt gloomy. Things weren’t going as planned—work was changing faster than expected, and the changes weren’t good. I felt lonely, and I was struggling to find my pace with personal life, exercise, and food. My apartment didn’t feel like mine for the first two months after returning home, and some news was upsetting. I could have kept doing the same, or I could do what I always do when I’m struggling—write.
So, I started a file: 90 Days to Turn My Life Around. The idea was simple—talk to myself more through writing and understand why I’m doing what I’m doing. The key points were:
Don’t do anything that requires too much effort.
Do less, not more.
Try to do a bit better than yesterday.
Be kind to yourself.
I’m happy to share that I’ve added about 17 new habits to my life, lost over 8 kg, returned to running 5-6 times a week, drank less alcohol, ate better, got my work back on track, and even my dating life is showing promising signs.
As always, for me, a good title is an excuse to write a book. The working title is: Paint the Windows Black – How to Change Your Life with Little Effort.
If you’re struggling to find your balance, please DM me or reply to this email.

It’s about the journey
Over the last couple of weeks, the number of clients reaching out with the same need has gotten me thinking about how to improve your business in the fastest way possible, and it always goes back to your customer journey.
While working with a client, I noticed that the language is not consistent, and it’s crucial to fix this problem. Check every step of the journey to make sure your language says and means what you planned.
Review what you have today and copy it so you can measure and start inserting your language. Review the content with your team to ensure it conveys your intent.
One more thing: speed. Automate anything you can, and make sure you call or reply faster. For my team and I, a hot lead gets a reply within two hours, max.
If you call them back after 24 hours, we consider them chill, and after that, cold, like you never interacted with them.
I hope this helps.
Berlin sunset mix
Every now and then, I come across this guy on YouTube, and I'm captivated by his unique mixes. I also enjoy the journey through Berlin, often using one screen for my writing and the other for watching a couple driving. His name is Chris Luno, and his vibe is solid. Enjoy

New Story-Pitcher dates announced
After the successful completion of the first cohort, I’m thrilled to announce the dates for the next live cohort. This 6-week, 12-session course will launch on September 19th at 12 PM European time (the hour might vary). This small group of founders will join me on a journey to learn more about storytelling and how to unlock their subconscious through story writing.
During the course, you will learn how to harness storytelling skills, measure your writing, and improve your messaging. A key aspect of the course is focusing on one area you want to enhance in your business. This approach will help you see a return on your investment and motivate you to achieve more. The course is so effective that it comes with a 100% money-back guarantee.
The early bird price of $3,420 is now available for the first sign-ups. Interested?
Check out the landing page and apply today. Once you fill out the form, we will arrange a call to ensure this course is right for you. See you on the other side!
🏋️ I made a Deadlift ETF with only companies with CEOs that lift weights or do fight sports (not just cardio)
It outperforms the S&P500 by 140% or 2.4x over the last 4 years!
Lifting weights = $$$
— @levelsio (@levelsio)
5:16 PM • Aug 19, 2024