- 1M storytellers by Nir Zavaro
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- Will you be my first? - Storyletter #14
Will you be my first? - Storyletter #14
End of a journey, a new adventure

Welcome back to another storyletter; I'm Nir Zavaro, and today's edition includes some announcements.
My journey is over, and I'm back in Israel for a while (I'm shooting a new show in Athens at the end of May, but more on that in a few weeks).
I'm back in my Zavaroness cave, ready to work on some new videos, thinking about making this into a weekly, and have another big surprise in the middle of this edition. I hope you'll join me; it's going to be epic.
Nir Zavaro

The Zavaroness Cave, where I record most of my content
The glam is a sham
That looked incredible.
What a dream! I'm so jealous.
But did you like it?
Today marks 14 months since I began another speaking tour, and everyone wanted to ask or say something. Well, I am here to tell you that it was f**king epic, and I am extremely proud of myself.
I visited over 50 locations, ranging from Rio in Brazil to Cape Town (in about 40 hours in between). I walked Bondi Beach in Sydney on two occasions, had an incredible visit in Malta, took a last-minute train from London to Paris and traveled around Portugal, saw a stand-up comedy show in New York, and experienced snow in a dozen different mountains. It's been a hell of a journey, one that I chose to take on by myself.
However, people only see the posts and photos, not the in-between struggle, loneliness, crazy 70 flights and rides, and endless preparation for workshops. So why am I telling you this?
To remind us all that we chose a journey, be happy; you could be doing a million other things, but you chose this one. If not, change it, but more importantly, when you see the next picture, use it to find your happy moment rather than jealousy, because everyone experiences both good and bad times.
For me, it's about being present in both good and bad situations. Like a marathon runner, no matter where I am, I have decided to keep going. What others are doing is not as important as what that runner is doing. They, too, are struggling, albeit at a different point in their journey.

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🥳Would you like to eat this?
Stumbling around the internet, you can find some weird, cool, funny, and endless amounts of cat videos. But how about learning more about a favorite brand?
Meet the weird history food channel on YouTube and watch the TikTak episode.
I love, love, love TikTak.
The history, the bad breath, the story—have fun.
Please let me know what you think, and if you want me to keep digging around and finding interesting things, let me know.

Early bird to the win: live cohort opens in May
You want an advantage, an edge over everyone else? I have it, my friends. I can guarantee you will improve, and it all boils down to one thing: storytelling.
More than storytelling, it's about storywriting, and I'm here to share it all.
After talks and workshops around the world, it became clear that people wanted more. I've been asked to consult, review, and join as an advisor, all of which are wonderful opportunities, but my true passion is teaching. So, here goes:
The story pitcher: improve your storytelling skills to help you scale.
It's been a long time coming, but my first live cohort will launch on May 30th.
Six weeks, two sessions per week. One session to learn, another to practice, and I guarantee you will make progress and improve. In fact, I am confident that you will improve. So much so that if you don't improve your storytelling abilities, I'll refund your money.
We will use storytelling techniques from my book F*ck the Slides. We will instill new writing habits.
The cohort will have two primary goals:
Make you a better storyteller than you began.
Improve one key message in your company and add immediate value to your bottom line.
It will be a small group of entrepreneurs, and each will be asked to bring something to work on during the sessions, whether it is a pitch to raise capital, improving the company message, or making sales calls. We will leave better than we began.
The first cohort will be based on mutual learning, and I intend to make every effort to ensure that everything goes smoothly and that you learn and work. The early bird price for my community is $3,420, which is a great deal considering you will continue to apply everything you learn to grow your business faster and better.
If you are ready to scale your business, please reply to this email, and we can set up a call to ensure we are a good fit for each other.

Thank you, dear boss
Two weeks ago, I received a thank you email from an account manager at an event company on the other side of the world.
She had only joined the company a few months ago and struggled with pitching it because she was nervous and felt she didn't know enough about it, while her coworkers are rockstars at pitching it.
When she expressed her concerns to her boss on a ride back to the office one day, her boss took my book from her bag and told her she'd find the answers inside.
She pitched last week. It was excellent, she is pleased, and she promises to continue honing her storytelling skills.
If you have a staff member who is struggling, get them a copy; it works.