This one thing will change your life - Storyletter #16

This is the most important thing you should do if you want to be more successful

I’m back and it feels good

After a six-week break, I finally found my rhythm again—my passion for writing—so here I am, your boy, the storyteller, the fast talker, Nir Zavaro

In today’s storyletter, we will talk about:

 The one thing we must start doing to make a bigger impact on our life

Finding my passion for work

It’s good to be back on top

Ready? Let’s go

Back to Athens, this time from a yacht

My life is changing by doing this. Use it

It's been a while since I wrote this newsletter, my storyletter, but life fell apart, and there was nothing good to write about.
My life changed after 14 months of travel; I returned home, and it was not the same.
I quickly returned to my old habits, but I couldn't find my place; I simply didn't fit anywhere. Work felt off, life felt strange, I wasn't enjoying anything, and I felt lonely.
So I did what I always do—I started writing.

I wrote down everything negative in my life, what I felt needed to change, and what I could do to feel better. I wrote about everything: my morning routine, the number of coffees I drink, my steps, smoking, and my friends. And the idea is this: What if I could change my life in 90 days?

And I got to work.
What it could be like, and what needs to change. But one thing was clear: it couldn't be a significant life change—the kind that lasts a month or two. Every day, I had to do a little better than the day before, even if only slightly.
We have a tendency to repeat the same things over and over. We know it won't produce different results, but here we are again, repeating the same old habits.

Accountability is the key to success, and I quickly discovered that it can be achieved in two ways.
External - my file and life are public. About 50 people have been reading my entire life. They began to respond, coming up with ideas, initiatives, and enjoyable activities (such as shaving my beard, which felt incredible).
Internally, we don't talk to ourselves enough. I began to wonder why I was doing this or that, meeting that person, or doing things the way I had always done them. It enabled me to quickly adapt and identify my emotions, and this accountability has made a significant difference.

45 days later, I'm losing weight, drinking half as much coffee as before, eating mostly healthy, running faster and further, making more friends, drinking less, going on more dates, and bringing back my passion for my craft. Even though I hadn't posted anything on social media within a month, work started coming in.

How has your life changed? What should you leave or start doing?

Ask a friend to hold you accountable. Write down how you truly feel about your problem and how it could be resolved. Start small, but remember that it has to be better than yesterday. Small steps add up faster and last longer than big hairy audacious goals that never happen.

My passion is my profession

If you had told me that I would be so excited before and after each session, I would have thought you didn't know me.

The story pitcher live cohort is almost finished. Six weeks, two sessions per week—one of learning and one of practice. Seeing the impact we've had as a group of incredible entrepreneurs, I left each session inspired.

We talked about storytelling and, more specifically, how each of us is a storyteller. We learned that we can tell ourselves the best and worst fables, and we can change and learn from them.

The most important thing for me was discovering the true intersection between my passion for teaching, the ability to help people, and the good fortune to make a good living. This triangle is where happiness, contentment, and gratification meet.

And it only took me 20 years of hard work—writing, failing, testing, launching and selling businesses, closing bad ventures, and showing up. Finally, now I know where I am going. I'm inviting you to join me. The next live cohort dates will be announced shortly.

This is a life-changing experience. I am so confident, I offer a full money-back guarantee, no questions asked.

When you apply, we'll schedule a call to ensure we're a good fit. The course is designed for entrepreneurs who want to become better storytellers and improve their businesses.

Back into the top 100 on Amazon

Everything exciting eventually becomes, well, less exciting. Last November, I couldn't stop checking Amazon's book rankings. My book arrived at number one on the first day, remained in the top ten for a while, and then faded after a few weeks. It wasn't as exciting anymore, and the ranking began to drop.

I became bored and stopped looking. It had been months, but this week, when I casually scrolled through Amazon and checked my book, it was back in the top 100 on Kindle. It made me feel proud and happy, but it also reminded me to appreciate the little things and be thankful.
I'm also proud that my work is sold to complete strangers who find the book online, believe it's the solution for them, and rate it five out of five stars after reading it. I'm grateful that my work is helping others.

If you haven't bought the book yet, go get one and start honing your storytelling skills. If you own a book, could you please go and leave a review?
It would mean the world!