- 1M storytellers by Nir Zavaro
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- Life happens in between|Building in Public|Fun
Life happens in between|Building in Public|Fun
Find a goal but focus elsewhere

We all want a routine—so we can complain about it, dream of change, go on vacation, only to return home and say, it’s good to be back.
After two and a half months, this will be my last edition from Thailand, and it’s bittersweet. Chiang Mai has been an incredibly productive city, and I can’t recommend it enough. If you get the chance to visit—do it.
Next stop: Vietnam. If you have any recommendations for Da Nang, send them my way!
The year is starting to take shape, with Vietnam, India, Tel Aviv, Amsterdam, South Africa, Spain, and Mexico on my 2025 list.
What are your plans for this year?
In today’s storyletter:

Time is strange thing
Life Happens in Between
What are you waiting for? Hoping for? A flight somewhere? A vacation? The next client? Buying something new? Saving money?
Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about time—more so, about how we define it. We say we’re early or late, that time passes by too fast or too slow. While time itself is constant, we like to assign it attributes. But being "late" only exists because we’ve given time a contact point where we need to meet.
They say time waits for no one. But what if we stopped waiting for time?
What if we set goals and targets but focused only on the small tasks ahead? Life happens in the gaps, not in a single moment. We train for something, we wait for someone. But in order to create, we need to stop and think. To run a marathon, we need to train for months.
Personal life or business—long-term success isn’t about conquering a goal, but about focusing on the gaps in between, where day-to-day life meets time.
While working on my new book, I realized we do the same with brands—we assign them a vision, write it down somewhere, and move on. But life happens in the gaps between where the brand is now and where it wants to be. And when we finally reach that vision or goal?
Life keeps happening.
I’m not trying to lose weight—I’m trying to eat better. I’m not “doing” a YouTube channel—I’m improving my skills. It’s not about getting there within a certain time frame; it’s about putting in the time to get there.
Chiang Mai has been a special place for the last 10 weeks. And as I leave, I hope to take this time focus with me. It reminds me of something I heard in Japan—when asked how long something will take, people often reply, as long as it takes.
It’s not about time. It’s about the journey.
Ask yourself: Where am I now? Where do I want to be? But more importantly—how will it feel when I do?
What gaps are you focusing on filling?
Are you challenging yourself?Do you push yourself? new challenges? trying new stuff? |
Tips and tricks
Intuitive Writing
Why is it interesting?
The easiest way to solve your writing problem is to just pick up a pen and paper (not a keyboard—our brains function differently when we type).
This will not only help you become a better writer but also tap into your subconscious. Somewhere around the two-minute mark, if you do it correctly, your brain will let go, and you'll find some interesting things surfacing.
How to start?
Let’s begin with three minutes and work up to five over the next few weeks (your hand will hurt at first).
Grab a pen and paper.
Think of something—a problem, an issue, or a random thought. If nothing comes to mind, just write I don’t know what to write about.
Once you start your three minutes—don’t stop. Forget about grammar, punctuation, or structure. Just keep writing. The key is to keep going, no matter what.
What to expect?
It will feel weird at first. But when you read it back, you might find something interesting. If it feels strange, that’s okay—try again. Be patient with yourself and let go, even when you want to fix that mistake. It’s not relevant.
Why is it good?
It’s an amazing tool to:
✅ Find solutions
✅ Vent and clear your mind
✅ Unlock thoughts you might not even realize you had
If you discover something interesting, take that and start again.
How often?
Once a day? Once a week? Up to you.
For me, it’s a problem-solving tool. I use it for work, or when I’m trying to break through on my book drafts.
Let me know how it feels!
Building in public
Slowly but surely, it will become bigger than I can imagine.
About Building in Public
I’m going to focus on sharing the behind-the-scenes of my content plan—what I’m posting, where, and why. I’ll break down how I’m creating more short-form videos, along with some tricks and tips you (and your team) can implement.
Quick tip: Start recording all your meetings, especially sales calls—on camera if possible. This will be a game-changer for repurposing content and making your marketing efforts more efficient.
Out of My Comfort Zone
Many YouTube creators talk about that moment before they press publish. Funny enough, for me, that’s the easiest part—everything else is hard. I find this huge gap between me on stage or doing a podcast interview and creating a well-structured video.
Somewhere along the way, I’m missing the point—the sound, the visuals, the colors. And it’s scary because people expect to see a pro. What if I missed the last decade of content creation? What if a potential client sees this and thinks I’m not worth what I charge?
And then, I had two calls with super smart people building amazing tech or literally saving lives, and they looked at me like I was a magician—able to change their message in minutes. Taking them from lost to “Wow, this is an amazing idea!” One founder even told me he’d love to invest in me after I retold him his own idea.
That’s what keeps me motivated—I want to bring this value to more people, and video is the way.
Six podcasts in two weeks, with a few more scheduled. It’s been fun talking about storytelling, resilience, and building in public. One thing that keeps coming up is all these buzzwords—entrepreneur, strategy. People use buzzwords to describe too many things and nothing at all.
These interviews align with my goal of sharing my message and generating more content for my social platforms.
Book Promotion
We (I hired a VA to help) have created lists of universities around the world. If you have any connections, I’d love your help! My goal is to get the book into 100 universities by the end of 2025—libraries, classrooms, curriculums, anything goes.
Overcoming fear, gaps, and everything holding us back starts with seeing it, saying it, writing it, and then changing it. Don’t do what you did before—do it better.
Keep replying, be epic, and let me know what you think. As always, here’s my usual spreadsheet.
My top three priorities are always available. Click here for my updates file
Just for Fun

Watch this
Take a break and enjoy these links
This week’s newsletter was created while listening to my all-time favorite soundtrack – the Guardians of the Galaxy Volumes 1 & 2 soundtrack. Watch here
When Alice in Wonderland Meets Anime – Watch here
NFT (The Rise and Fall Of) – a documentary about it all. Watch here
Marketing can never be a dead-end door—there are always two contact points.